Paper Format
The MMM 2018 conference proceedings will be published as a Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series by Springer. The camera ready paper must adhere to the formatting instructions of Springer LNCS series. (
Page limits for the camera ready papers are a
- Regular research paper (oral or poster) 12 pages
- Special session paper 12 pages
- Demonstration paper 4 pages
- Video Browser Showdown paper 4-6 pages
NB: Please place an envelope icon (or any other pointer) next to the name of the corresponding author, whose email address is mandatory, in the header of the paper. The corresponding author will be contacted by Springer’s typesetter later to carry out a proof check of the final version of the paper.
Publishing Ethics
The camera ready paper should contain original research that has neither been published nor submitted for publication elsewhere, and neither plagiarism nor self-plagiarism has taken place. (
If another researcher’s work is cited, then full references must be included, and if anything is repeated verbatim or figures or tables created by other researchers are used, or if the fundamental ideas of other researchers are used, then permission must be obtained from the original author and the publisher. If an author is reusing his or her own work, the paper must include at least 30% new material, it must cite the original publication and Springer would ask you to include an explicit statement about the increment (e.g., new results, better description of materials, etc.). Authors should not just repeat their own work verbatim. (Please note that if an author has included his or her original version on his or her own website, then this is fine by Springer.)
The manuscript will be run through Springer’s plagiarism-checking tool, iThenticate.
Camera Ready Submission
Please submit one .zip file of the camera ready submission via EasyChair by November 17, 2017. The zip file must be named after your paperID and contain the following files.
- A folder named Source which contains all source files of the camera ready paper, i.e., LaTeX files with all the associated style files, special fonts, eps files, references supplied as Bbl files (This is to avoid omission of data while conversion from Bib to Bbl.), or Word or rtf files.
- Pdf of the camera ready paper
- Consent to Publish form
Please use this prefilled Consent to Publish form only. The form must be signed by the authors of the paper, or at least by the corresponding author. Digital signatures are not acceptable. Please also check the form for completeness and correctness.
– Please make sure that all details in the Consent to Publish form (i.e., paper title, authors’ names, and corresponding author’s detail) are consistent with those specified in header of the paper.
– Please make sure that none of the boxes at the end of the form has been ticked erroneously. For example, only authors employed by the EU (as an institution) tick the EU particular box. (Some authors seem to think that if they work in a country in the European Union, they have to tick that box, which isn’t true.) Equally, the boxes for US Government employees or the Crown employees should only be ticked by the corresponding employees.
- A file (word or LaTeX) which contains the corresponding author’s name and email, followed by the list of ALL authors’ names (including the corresponding author) in the following format:
Corresponding author’s name; Corresponding author’s email
Author1’s given name(s); Author1’s family name
Author2’s given name(s); Author2’s family name
Author3’s given name(s); Author3’s family name
(This list will help with the preparation of the author index, especially when it is not straightforward to distinguish a given name from a family name.)